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  February 2021, 

a coup happened in myanmar. 


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what is myanmar?

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why did the coup happen?

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There are two parties in Myanmar’s Parliament. 

 In 2015, Daw(Ms) Aung San Suu took part in the election as NLD party (National League for Democracy) and won a sweeping victory, taking 86% of the seats in the Assembly of the Union.

NLD negotiated with Union Solidarity and Development Party(USDP), the military party, to form a government that promised a 25% seat for the military as per their old constitution. 

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General Ne Win


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  1. Get rid of the military rule in the politics and governance that is deep-rooted in the constitution.

  2. Get rid of the constitution that required NLD to obtain 75% votes for their proposed constitutional amendments, when 25% of the seats are reserved for the USDP.

  3. NLD’s pursuit for federal democracy will bring down USDP’s military power because when all the ethnicities are united, so does the ethnicities’ army will.

Therefore for NLD to achieve democracy and break the shackles of USDP’s rule, they have to:

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The military rule started in 1962, during the pursuit of independence during the British colonial period (1824–1948). It was until the assassination of Aung San that turned his pursuit of independence to the totalitarianism of Ne Win. It was the constitution created by ne win that guaranteed the survival of military dictatorship that lasted for 26 years

(Check out the comic panel by @zealandrew)

Before "disciplined democracy"

Military rule from 1962-1948

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Military’s Party

The armed forces of Myanmar


refers to the form of “governance”, by a military group that rules a country after taking power by force.


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The Civillian’s Party led by ASSK

The Republic of Union of Myanmar, formed by ex-members of NLD and other ethnic leaders* working to form a new constitution for a federal democracy.

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Kachin Independence Army - The Kachins are a coalition of six tribes whose homeland encompasses territory in Yunnan, China, Northeast India and Kachin State in Myanmar. They have been in fighting with the Tatmadaw since 1961. 

Why did they coup happen?
What are the terms?
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Other ethnic army includes: United Wa State Army, the Karen National Union*, the Arakan Army, the Ta’ang National Liberation Army and the Myanmar Nationalities Democratic Alliance Army.

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This is also known to be a suicide tactic that would cause foreign investors to withdraw from the country, potentially destroying the country’s economy by decades. Not to mention that Myanmar is one of the poorest countries in southeast asia, which means that those unable to feed themselves before covid and coup, would have no support to live. By not working, the country is falling apart, essential services are not available, causing major disruption in their lifes.)
In my personal opinion, sanction hurting the civilians is no longer an issue anymore. 


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I don't want to read all these

(Read about a comic about it)

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What are the terms?

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National Unity Government,

a subgroup of CRPH


Civil Disobedience Movement: A collective tactic by the whole country to abolish the government’s power by not contributing to economic growth by not working. 

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The current Myanmar’s parliament and the constitution give Myanmar’s Armed Forces a large VETO power consists but not restricted to international trade, the ministry of defence and many overseas businesses. Henceforth, countries that contribute big investment and trade would support their war crimes activities .


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When they say generalised sanctions are hurting the citizens of Myanmar, they meant to do “targeted sanctions” like what the UK is doing. Therefore, the movement #BoycottMilitary is where the people boycott military businesses and affiliates.


This is like CDM but internationally!

(interactive map)

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band aids

Myanmar is already been heavily sanctioned since 2017(rohingya) and said




The constitution allowed the military to have VETO Power and have control over most foreign businesses. These are the reasons why they are able to survive after so long. Hence, by having stakeholder & consumer activism, the international community stop the direct funding of mass terrorism and war crimes.

What can the international do?
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Why does it concern the international?

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What now?

(More Links about Myanmar)

(Read about a comic about it)

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